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Everything posted by monkey

  1. I know you want one of those iQuad thongs...
  2. Bah, buncha wusses, all of ya (I'm kidding of course) me, I prefer to simply wind all of it up onto one spool and, I remove my handles each time (really only because I'm particularily fond of one set of SUL handles and my other sets have various "issues"). I rarely run into problems with it that I can't unwind pretty quickly however, I do have a self imposed rule, if I can't unwind it in a couple of minutes from back at the handles, I'll stake it all down and remove the lines from one handle and just work it out line by line. Takes 5 minutes at the most. Usually. When I do wind up, I tend to do it pretty carefully and tightly.
  3. Its our next Canadian World Championship team, in training. They will be well prepared for any kind of fowl weather. However, we have yet to find a way to make a buck off'em...
  4. Its now framed in my house too!
  5. Not currently, however I'll get some together for you. Wait, I have one of my rainbow shot recently in Seaside Oregon by Chuck Wiley
  6. I leave mine as is, I have a few vented revs, a "regular" vented 1.5, a custom one that has 3 smaller strips, and 2 vented ones.
  7. Im there in that pic in spirit, its my Rev 1 with purple besides Barresi's
  8. monkey


    Hmmm, I think so! They probably wont ask and at the worst, they may want you to pay duty on it.
  9. One definite suggestion, make sure to use an SLE rod for your leading edge... I've never had one out in THAT much wind and it'd be an animal to control, but, it may fly. Well, "may" is the wrong word, it WILL fly... Just be very careful.
  10. monkey


    Not so surprisingly and in true form, I prefer Revs myself, vastly. Spirits are a fine kite, but, no matter what anyone tells you, you'll probably end up with a rev sooner or later anyways, so, jump to the front of the line now.
  11. monkey


    Now I know that I want to meet up with you some time, Monkey-Boy. Doug We'd have a FINE time flying all of our revs
  12. monkey

    my first comp

    Well done on your first comp! They only get easier, I promise.
  13. monkey


    I'm a sucker for beer and kites myself!
  14. Well done!
  15. The only thing to watch for with tubes is to make sure it doesn't roll, ie, square off a corner. I had one of those roll right off the baggage handling and it ended up lost for a day within the airport. Works well tho!
  16. I find that no matter how careful I am winding it up, every once in a while, chaos ensues good luck!
  17. I've seen some airtime this year with my bag of revs, and what I have done is leave'em all (10 or so) in the Revolution bag itself and then I got a soft sided snowboard bag to wrap it around the rev bag. No broken anything!
  18. Great big arrows and "this side up" ?
  19. Well, when they suggest 0-2mph as its wind range, they are pretty accurate, don't take it out in much more than that, the indoor rods are verrrry thin excellent kites inside tho, its my favorite.
  20. Wow, I should update that list and get all 21 revs onto it... I'm not counting my Quantum Pro and Hoby Sport as technically, they do not fit in the bag, they are too long for a rev bag
  21. Your 1.5 will love 5-10 mph , its an ideal wind
  22. I think what you saw a picture of was Dave Sabilino's custom Rev, sewn by Peter Bettencourt Its a beauty in person! http://community.webshots.com/photo/377388...072413283XWxdYv
  23. Waaaaaay back when the Supersonic (the first of the SLE kites) came out, learning to fly that was what really finally made reverse flight "click" for me mentally, it was easier to do on that line of kite. Those skills transferred over nicely when I was flying a 1.5 and I found reverse much easier after that. so, ya, you're on the right road.
  24. Tell ya what, I'll put the whole of teh intarweeb onto a diskette for you so you can browse at your leisure. stop twitching already!
  25. Which Ben? Have fun at Long Beach. I think it's going to be a beautiufl weekend where ever we are. Ben from Revolution, Lolly sent him up
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