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Everything posted by riffclown

  1. The frames ARE interchangeable size-wise.
  2. Is it the LE that's breaking or the uprights? if the LE, Center or one side?? Is the same part of the frame breaking every tim??? I agree with much of what has been advised above by both @Wayne Dowler and @makatakam I've only ever broken two and they were both the Green Trimmed BUT, One was definitely my fault as I was flying above reasonable conditions. the other was kind of suspicious in my opinion BUT spars do break so moving on.. . Now an important question is, are you losing frames while flying or impacting the ground? What exactly is the kite doing when the frames are getting damaged? A couple of thoughts. I don't know how long you've been flying and this is in no way intended as an insult or accusation.. Just covering the bases as best I can.. Some comment may not apply to you at all. -It's possible you aren't assembling the kite properly and that can place undue stress on the frame in ways it wasn't designed for. Make sure everything is fully seated to include going to the extra trouble of assembling the LE outside the kite and inserting the LE fully assembled if you can't tell.. -If impacts with the ground are still frequent for you, train yourself to just let go before yanking back on the handles if it's diving down.. Yanking back accelerates the kite and increases the odds of impact damage. -Are you sure your kite is the genuine article?? Did you buy it new from a reputable dealer or is it an ebay special? -IF it's you and you are just extra rough on a frame for whatever reason, get a Green Race frame. They are a little less responsive than some people like but generally they are considered pretty close to indestructible. Make sure you purchase from a reputable dealer (Sponsers here and also at least one mentioned above in this thread) to ensure you are getting the genuine article.. If you are just hard on frames and some people are, there is also the option to make your own frame from something like Skyshark P400's They are on sale right now as cheap as $4.50 a spar and while a touch heavy, have some durability you might appreciate.
  3. From the album: riffclown's kite album

    First Sunday Fly for RAF at Dorey Park.
  4. I kind of like the way it's arranged now.. But it's also pretty easy to import into Excel and manipulate the sorting as you see fit. Here's the latest chart in XLS format. You can even filter out manufacturers as you see fit.. KiteRodComparison.xls
  5. I'd almost agree with you on a 1.5 sail.. I'd disagree with your statement when it comes to Supersonic, blast etc..
  6. So if you fly an SLE or one of the other Revs that use the SLE size leading Edge, you already know about the rubber washers and how they are prone to breakage. The preferred method of replacement is the get new washers either from Rev, or very similar product from your local hardware store.. I took a good look at my Freilein Caps and noticed an improvement that convinced me to trade out my SLE and Supersonic Leading Edge endcaps with the spares I received with my Freilein kites.. There's a ridge at just the right place that eliminates the need for the rubber washer.. It seats nicely in the SLE and will not slip or bind like the rubber washer was prone to do. If you have a Freilein and a SLE or Supersonic, it's probably worth your time to swap the endcaps for the leading edge between the two.
  7. As long as the lines are the same construction/material thickness is your best indicator.. Go with your first impression.. it's usually going to be the right one.. You can always weigh the individual lines as well (postage scale).. the heavier lines will probably be the "heavier" lines..
  8. Happy, My vids were a combination of Tablet video for the Stack and GoPro footage for the Skydog.. As for the weight of the chase lights, the batteries are heavier than the light strip. IMO, About the weight of a finger light but I haven't actually compared side by side...
  9. Different Packaging than mine but looks very much like the same product. Here's what I purchased.. A UPC 094664037373 search at amazon brings it up as well..
  10. I get the finger lights by the 100 pack from amazon.. A few other lights that show up very well at night are the Nite Ize clip on. is very bright and has a flash mode. The carabiner also slips snugly on Rev spars and only needs a small rubber band to hold in place.. You can see those on the back of my Bolero Stack. It wasn't totally dark but they still showed up pretty well. I also like finding the strip chase lights in the automotive section that run really well on 3 CR2032 batteries in series.
  11. Between 200# and 300# there should be s definite difference in thickness..
  12. Congratulations!!!
  13. The recent conversations about the spine in a wrapped rod was only started to try and explain some QC issues.. The spine conversation has taken on a life of its own. IMO, If we are down to conversations about the spine orientation to prevent breakage we've ignored the issue.. BUT!!!!! Conversations about spine orientation to duplicate flex, stiffness and bounceback can be considered valid for those fliers advanced enough to detect those minute differences.. I'm personally not one of those.. But there are fliers especially in the extremely light wind categories that could perceive those minute differences in performance. @SegelFlieger I applaud the efforts to provide some true measurement and comparison from the Scientific approach.. Thank you
  14. I recognize the Kite on the ground in the Video Still and 18 seconds in.. It's gone by several names bust most commonly called the Tomahawk. I have one in my bag that was given to me.. The kite is decent.. The lines were stretchy and were literally useless. It's a decent performer on good lines/handles..
  15. Please do let us know how it goes. I'd be hesitant to apply any petroleum based product to the fabric..
  16. 34°41'44.38"N 76°42'48.37"W Direct Link for Google Earth. Kite Festival.kmz
  17. Looking forward to pics..
  18. IT's a nice bag but does have a few drawbacks. No to individual Pockets inside. There is one external pocket (zipper on the outside of the bag) but it counts against the internal space. It's essentially a long Duffle.. I have one and the opening on the bag limits what you can really put inside. The zipper stops about 2 inches short of the end of the bag. I use mine to hold my SLKs and extra spars.
  19. Another Price Change According to the Rev website Club38 is now FREE to join.. http://revkites.com/club38/ Now I wonder how that affects those that paid to join??
  20. Here's an exercise to try.. Don't think of it as a pivot or static spot but instead a very tight turn.. Visualize a circle the size of a Garbage Can Lid and make the "pivot" follow that arc. The pivot controller isn't true static, as that end of the kite is still flying and requires input in the form of small adjustments. Visualize your pivot turns as SMALL circle turns and practice with that Garbage Can ARC in your mind.. Then decrease the Garbage Can Lid Size Arc to a basketball arc and progress to a Softball and then even a Quarter. You'll find you maintain much more control throughout your maneuver if you concentrate on the small circles and let the big ones draw themselves..
  21. Well the jury is still out on whether the sail material will hold up or not.
  22. Sunfest?
  23. I liked your comment just as much and didn't want to give advice that could be perceived as conflicting..It was a different approach to the same issue..
  24. I'm in.
  25. riffclown

    A Newbie

    Here's Chris Shultz from HQ Kites flying my 4M Crossfire a few years back at the Rogallo Kite Festival.. Soft sand of course and a very advanced kiter but scudding is fun to do AND to watch..
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