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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Indoor soccer center - talked with owner and manager who had seen Connor's videos - let me use the facility for free when not in use!!
  2. The 3 stages of kite flying: 1. - The kite flies you!! You can't control things and the "panic button" is about 2" away!! 2. - You fly the kite! Now, at least, it's not a foreign object in your hands anymore! Figured out some basic moves, got pretty good control, feeling comfortable! 3. - You and the kite fly together!! Nirvana!!
  3. I have, but ceiling fans can be dangerous to the kite's health! I have used my iFlite I in my bowling alley, to show them indoor flying is possible! And I took it one year to a Super Bowl party, started flying it at halftime and forgot to watch the rest of the game!!!
  4. The iFlite I is offered in either vented or non-vented versions, the iFlite II is only offered as vented! I have an early iFlite I non-vented and an iFlite II and love them both!! For smaller areas, I'd look at the I, it's just a bit smaller and very nimble! The II still is nimble, but I'd recommend a bit larger space for it!! Sorry, can't give you a direct review on the two versions of I out there, just don't have that one in a vented model!
  5. Now, now, just because you got a nice set of Pros, is no reason to be too smug!! The RNG may be watching and listening!!!
  6. Glad to hear everyone is safe after that mess!!
  7. Major Time Drain!!
  8. Rob - sounds like you're looking for some sort of midvent - question is - which one??
  9. Rob - I'd be leery of leaving the kite assembled all the time!!! Might stretch the main sail out and I don't see any adjustments for that!!
  10. Nick - if you can get Eliot to verify my thoughts - great!! I tried to get pix on the Rev forum with the %s as a caption, but nothing ever came of it!! I really don't "know" what the %s are based on for sure, only what I've heard from others!! It would be great to get this clarified!!
  11. I would fly everyday if life didn't raise it's ugly head now and then!! I even fly inside, if the winds or weather aren't co-operating!! There is no substitute for "time on the lines", practice, practice, and more practice! Push for specific short term goals and once met - set new ones! And make those goals reachable, not pie in the sky stuff, but something you can attain with some work at it! After a while, the skills just keep piling up and you find it easier to do stuff that was impossible before! I do consider myself extreme, but without the positive influence that kiting has offered me, I'd still be on my couch, watching TV, waiting for .....? Give me kiting everyday!!
  12. Or drink!!!
  13. If I got it straight (debatable), here's my take on %s! 40% - close to a mid, maybe a little less! 75% - more like a mid! !00% - full vent! The %s are Eliot Shook's, not Revs, he'd have the exact details of what they are supposed to mean as far as material and open space! They can be made in just about any colors you ask (and pay) for!
  14. Nick - you're right - it's not one piece, for sure! But it is the equivalent of a vented (depends on %) mid or full!! I was lent 1 100% to try out, only had it up once, but I found it to feel much lighter and a bit quicker than my "B"s! Almost feels like a Rev 2, IMHO!!
  15. I have 2 lines - 20 # + 30 # - 1 in orange, 1 in lime green! I use a small ball-bearing swivel with them! Keeps out twists!! I like my Ninja because it's active, not a "put up and forget" type of flier!!
  16. I just checked his site - you can get the Black Rainbow in either model!! So it comes down to dollars invested in something!!
  17. My gliders are mostly indoor critters! So length doesn't figure into my equation, just overall weight! That fly line backing I use for outdoors, is a braided dacron line used to fill the reel before you put the short length of fly line on! I use it for my Urban Ninja, the SLK I fly outside in low winds!
  18. From looking at most of them, it looks like most "masterpieces" are from single panel sails!! Not all I'm sure, but it looks like most! Really haven't had much chance to fly them - can't afford them to give you a review of their flying characteristics! The Polos and LHSK (Los Hermanos) are mostly 1 piece sails! Again haven't had a chance to fly any them to compare with the "B"s! I do have a set of used Pros I'm picking up at a festival this weekend! Can't wait to fly those babies!! I think you can get the Black Rainbow in either an SLE or "B", but don't quote me on that!! I'll look at the website and see!
  19. Congrats Raul! Fly it well!!
  20. Confession - it's good for the soul!!
  21. This topic got me so revved up (pun totally intended), that I went out and flew my Rev1 for the longest it's been airborne in a long time!! Had forgotten how much fun I had with that baby! YEEHAW!!! PS: a little known fact - I didn't even know that Rev made a vented kite until just a few years ago! My full sail 1 was the only Rev I had, until I found out about vented Revs! Now I have enough to handle just about anything we fly in!! PSS: another little known fact - my Rev 1 was my first "real" Rev, I actually started on a..............Backtracker!!! (Yeegads!!!) If you could fly that, you could fly anything Rev made!!
  22. Most likely the over rotation is because you're using the same inputs that you use for the vented! Full sails are a bit more "touchy"! Again, with the right frame for the winds, you shouldn't have any really bad problems!! Most likely a stupid question - but you do have top leaders for your handles? You may need to use a different knot on the leaders for the full sail over the full vent! I find myself changing knots every time the wind changes, whether that is hourly, daily or whatever! The only reason I can see for using the older 1.5 platform for masterpieces is that there are no panels to make fit! You'll notice that many of the masterpieces are single piece sails! PS: I was also one of the few that learned on a 1 first!!
  23. Rob - I'm not sure which topic you posted pix of the new std sail in! Mind posting here? See I first flew a Rev 1 and got used to the flight dynamics of that wing, then I tried a Rev 2! I think it was even before or they were just coming out with the 1.5! Now the 1.5 is my preferred sail, but I adapt really fast to either of the other 2 wings because I've flown them and know their limits! With the right frame and winds, I don't see why any of the sail models would be "wrong"!?
  24. 11.1 oz ! Get out of town............ Ooops, I forgot about those two 15 & 5 gram weights Maybe you are right Wayne ? See with those weights, it weighs almost a POUND!!! Hate to have overweight bag fees over that!!
  25. Of course, he could leave it home to save on luggage weight and send it to me!!
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