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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Yup, that Geezer can sure write. Did you see the web pages with the Parks? At their website http://www.indoorkiteflying.com I believe. And http://www.lincolncity.com should get you to March's indoor kite festival and they have a video sample of the indoor flying... including a Parks interview. BB Penny
  2. Or the little black binders used in officees to hold multi paper. I like the air-Yo too. It's not quite Penny proof, but lots of fun. If it's popping off alot Wen, have someone who is stronger tie it together for you. That made a big difference in it for me. I think I would spend $5 or $10 more if it had stronger line, (I've had broken line) Stronger tip on the rod. (maybe epoxied?) My first airy-o rod split, hence cutting the line. In fact everytime I went to show someone in the beginning it would snap into a little puddle, or fall apart in some way. It is a great toy, even my husband who doesn't fly has been spending some time with it. If there's no wind I plan on incorporating it into one of my routines this year. Good luck with it working for you Wen. BB Penny
  3. Hey Don, We missed you and Mary. I took first with that USA routine at Up Your River. Open Indoor Ballet. Tks! I like it, too. The other routines? I'm not sure you'll ever see them. I don't really compete with them, but the places that invite me in get whatever routines they would like. So come down to Lincoln City, Brookings, or San Ramon. Their my favorites... But I usually get to practice at Moses Lake. WA needs more shows. Marica remarked she liked the genie routine a few weeks back. She'd never seen it before. That routine is 8 years old. I've about a dozen costume routines. My goal is to keep improving, recycling, and improving them. I love it when a baby has to have me because of pink hair, or a dad thanks me for a show his kids really enjoyed. And I get to fly! Thanks again! Better get to work! BB Penny
  4. My second routine for the season is a Leprechaun... and the voice over "Help, some crazy pirate be after me pot of gold!" My rainbow Rev. with a pot of gold trailing behind and lots of opportunities for catches and throws to hide from the pirate. I think the kids will like it. It's almost all done.. Waiting on a final cd to be shipped to my house and taken to the recording studio. At least these costumes are cooler in the heat then last years dino/egg! Have a great season! BB Penny
  5. Hi Rich.. My super blast! Woo Hoo.. Makes wme want to fly it! Rich.?. I know there were two gentlemen at the end that flew. One with a wife or girlfriend on site and one there on his own. Which one were you? I'll guess the one with the significant other? You are right about buggying being illegal in most places in WA. At the end of Gray's Harbor south of Wesport is the only *legal place. You actually have to sign up at Westport Twin Harbors park for a permit! Quite often people buggy in other remote beaches and get away with it. Or go the extra hour to Sunset Beach, Or and have a super blast! We went up a few blocks at Ocean Shores a couple of years ago, the policeman watched as we buggyied, or flew out of the camper door whiile it was storming. We were only a danger to ourselves. Are youon the whidbey Island? You have feilds to fly.. just no beach that I can think of. Yes, this spring.. we should try to have a forum fun fly... huh? BB Penny
  6. You two don't get to worn out before Lincoln City. BB Penny
  7. Woo Hoo! Good for you Moon! Congrats on that degree! Yeah, we missed you and it was fun. They had sushi at Allens, and I went back to my hotel room and made lines. Steve and I had a good time, but I've been sick.. feel like @#@%. John gave us a taste of what to expect in future indoor flying. He'll be back, give him time. Sounds like you both have a full plate right now. Team, Individual, and Freestyle. Are you going to fly in freestyle too? Planegirl~ Steve is usually pretty quiet. He's lots of fun and kinda silly once you get to know him. He's pretty easy going except at work... where he has to be an A#(#. Did Kelcie's kitty make it home? Tell her I saw the cutest flipflop windchime at a restaurant on the way home. It made me think of you three girls. Who's going to Lincoln City? BB Penny
  8. How did Caitlin do? What do you think would happen, if we split the proceeds of a future festival for the kite museum and a local cause or two? That would have a few benifits, one of them bringing in more local people. It might raise awareness for both causes. Great festival, lots of hard work there Allen. Up The River 2005 Kite Festival and Competition Rocked!! Thanks again to all responsible. BB Penny
  9. It was fun, but I got so car sick coming home. ;( I've got to remember to pick up some dramamine. Red Doug, Did I get to meet you? Refresh my memorie, please. Great job Alan! Tell those girls to have fun in Australia. BB Penny
  10. Do you think that it might get more at the "Up Your River INdoor Kite Festival and Competition" on Sat. night in Arlington, OR? What say you all eat quick and high tail it up to the indoor banquet and auction? The kite would look awful nice decorating the wall inside and ...... you know..... it might do very well at the auction. http://www.honkernet.net/visitarlington/im...lier%20info.htm That Rising Sun Cody would be beuatiful. Bring the kite maker too. We'll miss you guys and we'll be in OR. Steve says hello, too. BB Penny
  11. We hope to see lots of OR fliers there, too. There's a few of us coming down from WA. Wish this had a 2nd post under Indoor Flying... BB Penny
  12. Oooohh,,,, ouchhhhh.... You wer e sick little girl. I'll bet your glad it's over. Feel better fast. BB Penny
  13. Pain.... ewwwww. Here I was just wondering why you were being so quiet. Glad you're ok. be great again soon. Did they make you jump up and down to see if it hurt? BB Penny
  14. A thank you letter just made it to my desk. The Festival of Trees says thank you! They raised over $308,00 for the hospital. They did not specify how much our basket brought in. I'm sure it did great though. Theresa, Wind of Change and Jerry, I'll send you all a copy of the thank you and the indoor dvd the first week of February. Thank you so much for your generosity! Sincerely, Penny Lingenfelter
  15. Absolutely, Call Ed at 'An Exceptional Place to Bed and Breakfast" Ask him for the room with it's own hot tub, and tell him Penny the kiteflyer sent you. Breakfast is awesome too. Very clean, comfortable and a bit of good company. No TV-no loss. 541-994-4920 and he has a web site. My husband was impressed, and not to much impresses him! BB Penny P.S. He's also been a wonderful sponsor of Lincoln City's Kite Festival.
  16. We are enjoying lunch while watching a kitesurfer out on the bay. Doing very well, good control, but no air. Still nice scenery. BB Penny
  17. It was so fun checking out Pirate Speak for the first time. Pirates Day Sept. 19th. They have some great web pages on pirates, songs, speak, history, stories, troups, all things piratey. Besides me pirate costume there be a great tail (Banner attached from both leading edges) of black flags with red trim and crossbones on it. It looks really kewl flying inside on the Rev. 1.5 I'm going to paint my old gold Rev. black... and if it peels off from the many coats of paint, so be it, it would add to the charm. So far, so good with the paint though. It looks great in the sky, just not so good close up. I've got other plans, but I guess I should leave something to the imagination. That's hard.. I'd rather talk about it all. Ohh, I should talk about this weekend. It was awesome, but bittersweet. Competing in open does not bring out the best in me! I forgot why I don't compete. lol Yee Gads! I'll leave it for now. Mostly, I'm looking forward to creating a new routine that will be fun. Hey, I was in 3 papers last week-nice surprise. One was actually in my pirate costume, or so I hear. One I am "the woman" How funny. Have a great week! BB Penny
  18. Kewl Kite! See Rick Brown, your still a primo codymaker. Nice! BB Penny
  19. Yup, we missed a lot of people from Ore. We even received an email from Moon and Geezer. They left early Sat. am only to find the roads shut down due to ice. ewwww. We lucked out. Mostly rain at Long Beach. BB Penny
  20. Wow John you are carrying a full plate. AND kitelife magazine. I think you better do some life changes to keep up with all this. May I suggest getting to bed before 4 am? And folks that's not the hours he spends partying, it's the hours he finds time to handle the kitelife magazine. BB Penny
  21. Your welcome. Paul must not have the plans. His rule is if it's not simple he won't make it. he sent me the plans for the diamonds and we made them in our PCKA club. Lots of fun. Little two year olds can fly them if they can carry a banner. We did. Good luck, enjoy.. Everyone have a good weekend, BB Penny
  22. arrr all you be getting is grog (rum & water) me be going with the Battle Songs of the toucon Pirates... The crows nest, blowin wind- for me perfect Pirate adventure. Aiyy, if ya have no luv for your shanty, you'll be wishin you were walkin the plank after hearin it for the 100th time. Aiyy, practice... Practice.... practice.. me be going to Long Beach this weekend, but not hide or hair of my routine will they be seeing. Not till I be gettin me voice over done. Me final decision on my cd voice over (illigal in competition unless it's freestyle) and I'l be pantomining the words are: Now read it with a celtic flair. Ahoy Maties, Me name be Penny Pirate and I be coming from a long line of pirates. -----Sword fights, treasure hunting, arrrrr months away at sea. But here's a secret! We pirates be kitefliers! Aiiyy, the ocean & wind and the proof be in our britches! Aiiyy, Pirates be need'n cloth to make kite.... Aiiyy... that's why our britches be such rags! Come; let me show you how we pirates sailed the grand sky! Now you scallywags be keepin your eyes peeled for me kite sailing the great sky's! BB Penny the Pirate
  23. Yup, true.. I put the sewing machine needle through my finger and it was there for an hour or two. It's a big boy's toy... a word of advice... if your material gets stuck in the machine... don't stomp your foot! <_< See you Saturday.. Hopefully we don't get snowed out. BB Penny
  24. That is to bad about Herb's store. It's the first I heard of it. Wow, bet that will be missed by many over there. His house is big. hehehe He may still carry lots of stock. BB Penny
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