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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. I'm awake. John just left for the kite commitee meeting. I'm not in a hurry to register and go off to politics. Nope, think I'll enjoy this cup of coffee and wander into registration. Beautiful weather outside. I'm still looking for the weather channell. It's that free fun day fly. hmm. seems like they could do that at the beginning of the week and save the good stuff for us to view if nothing else. Oh, well, can't please all the people all of the time. Have a great day! BB Penny
  2. Thank you. Great, but can I put a name to the mcddj? You'll have to say I'm " " you know mcddj on kitelife forum. BB Penny I'm looking forward ot it!
  3. One of the district reports. I think OR. Either that or CA. He mostly plays with me out of state. I've got to leave him at home for nationals. He's wonderful support and lets me run wild even when he's with me. Imagine having that much patience with me! BB Penny
  4. Thanks for the pictures! I'll be in tonight. Hope you placed in a few events! When is hot tricks? BB Penny
  5. No wind is not the most difficult part of flying. It's dancing around in all that soft sand and keeping your balance that's the challenge! You all think dancing Al Washington is dancing, but he's just trying to keep his balance!! lol Just kidding! I watched him for the first time at Lincoln City, that' man's got some moves in the air and on the ground. Have a great week! BB Penny
  6. Hi JD, I'll miss you at convention. Unless Dad is coming home to get you on the weekend? I don't think I heard that though. 10ft. for low ceilings, 12 ft. for higher and 25 ft. and 40 ft. Those are all good lenghts to have handy. Ask for a role of Laser Pro Gold 90 lb for Christmas. You will love it! I'm packed and ready to go after work tongiht. But John or Brian may let me peek at thier computers. Have a great week! BB Penny Oh, line lengths the same length. BB Penny
  7. All right JD! Get some practice in. It was so fun watching you at the outdoor Lincoln City. Steve O'Brian was right.. You do have soul! BB Penny
  8. I'm glad, I'm not there.. glad I tell you! Cause I'm so tired from Lincoln City. My goodness what a fantastic time between the river and the bank.. not much "between" but that's where we were. And then the fantastic surprise of so many convention goers!! I wanted t o hug them all and bring them home with me. We opted to go to the potluck that Gombergs held and we were so glad we did. Getting to visit with people who will be so busy at convention we won't get a visit in. The only sad news that I heard was that Betty Scott Spencer's other half is not attending and is battling cancer. I couldn't picture who she was, but then laying in bed wide awake.. when I put Scott in a black suit instead of a kite coat with patches on the back, and put him behind the wheel of our kite shuttle all week long, I belive I now who Betty is. She is a hard worker bee! I may not have the names right, but our prayers go out to her. I met a few supporters out there. Life just isn't fair sometimes. Still it was a wonderful time, wonderful visits.. great fun flying in good winds, no winds, soft sands and even a little rain, I think. But I was so excited I couldn't sleep at all last night and I am tired I tell you! Tired! Moon, woo hoo... did we have fun or what!!!!! ok, I'm back on the road on Tues. Bringing my buggy incase I sneak up the beach for a few hours with friends. See you all Wed. night! BB Penny
  9. How exciting! But ahhm... Kristi dear... word of experience. If you are running around naked, guys will say just about anything! Put your clothes on and see what he says. Ok, so here's a history lesson: I promised myself I wouldn't say I love you till I was at least 18. By then I'd heard it enough to think if I said it that it wouldn't mean anything. So it saved me a lot of grief. Trust me on this one! It also gave me not all the power, but enough to make some decisions through out my life. And when I explained to guys why I didn't say it they accepted it more easily. I say I love you everyday to kids, family and friends. But my special "I love you" had to wait for a special person. So he loves you? That's one point for him. He must have some good in him. Does he like kites? You go have a great fun with Mr. Wonderful. I'm happy for you! But we'll hold our judgment til we hear how he feels about kites, too. j/kidding! oh and Rick.. close your eyes! Kristi... back in the overalls. This is a family forum. BB Penny
  10. This post has had so many hits, I thought I'd post the indoor video site here, too. It's a web commercial for their festival. http://www.lincolncity.com Go to calendar of events, October kite festival and push on the media or real player. Maybe they will post it on the March indoor site, too. It's not the best flyiing, but a good example of indoor w/varies kites. BB Penny
  11. Kewl.. for me.. Now we can meet for Coffee at the condo. yeah! BB Penny
  12. Where did my post go? It's mine! I'll see you there! BB Penny
  13. Woo hoo.. Now that is the Rick I remembered. Good article! Though I only got a quick peek at some friends. So I'll have to read it at my liesure. They mentioned my husband in the magazine. That's sweet too! BB Penny
  14. lol ok, I have more poo stores.. should I? naw... maybe not. I'll let you two wade around in here a while. BB Penny
  15. I know they had talked about a commercial. I figure it's at least a commercial or mayby it's an e-mercial on the web site. BB Penny
  16. I'm going to join kram.. I just want to hand over a check. I don't want to mess with pay pal.. Congrats John! No telling where you might get membership. Keep up the good work! BB Penny
  17. http://www.lincolncity.com Go to events, the October kite fesival and click on the media or real player. They have a great example of indoor flying for their commercial. Enjoy. BB Penny
  18. Perfect!!! use them. AND after the bouncing Angel remark... I think we can consider it "open season" on Cody. Yes, Boss, Sand crabs boss, cody's anihilated boss hehehe oh yeah.. the perks! Angles on the beach with lawn chairs, mixed drinks and little umbrella's! Boss, don't forget the little umbrella's! Ever see a good angel gone bad. BB Penny
  19. Coming down Wed. thru Sunday. What say you? BB Penny
  20. John, $25 a night? I can sleep in my van or in a murphy.. In the same room? I spinn in bed.. probably a sign of bad hips to come. let me know. My van is ok, Moon might be sleeping in it this weekend. BB Penny
  21. I had an old skynasour once. That puppy could pull. Usually in just one direction... down, but it pulled! BB Penny
  22. My favorite for ballet? Which ever one will fly! Practice the same song with a rev I, 1..5 and two as the reaction time varies and you will be thankful for the practice. BB Penny... back off to work. hi ho, hi ho Moonie Pooh..... I'll email you!
  23. If you think the kite has something wrong with it, (oh hello) connect your line directly to the end caps of your vertical spar.. top and bottom and try it. You might find it's only pilot error as it takes a little practice to get the kite in reverse without flipping out your tips. The rev's fly different then the power quads. Sorry, I should have read the list of kites you had before I posted, but I think that's what you had. Use more pressure on your thumbs to keep the kite on tip, move your whole arms to the side. If you've flown quck quads before.. maybe there is a problem, but usually it's just people not realizing that it takes practice. Good luck! I'll try to get back later to keep an eye on this post. Gotta get to work. BB Penmy
  24. I told you? uhhh.. I don't remember telling you that.. wait... I didn't ! <_< hehehe Hey for a good commercial on Lioncoln City's Kite Festival and video of indoor fly go to go to calendar of events and push on the real or media player. That's me at the end in blue and red, and then green hair. Yup.. green hair.. Moon, I should pick you up on the way to Lioncoln City but there's only bed. Steve is joining me, but he is reffing a football game in Bainbridge Island Fri. night! That means we're not leaving home till midnight and we're both going to be tired Sat. I'm not a happy camper about it. But if that's the only way, I can take him along. oh well. Have a great weekend! BB Penny
  25. Or TKS Express TKS In-Flight TKS Aireal Motion TKS sky Motion TKS Kaleidscope Flight TKS Snergy (Syndergy Deca did not create the word) TKS Sky Energy TKS Arieal Journey just "TKS Mid-Air" TKS Major or Major Flight team TKS Kite Krew TKS In the Air TKS for the Memories. lol (Thanks for the memories) TKSIntense Intense TKS TKS The Best TKS Control Magical TKS TKS for All TKS Kite Bot Don't Laugh TKS It's OK to Laugh TKS ok, I'm laughing.. better go do my banking. bb Penny
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