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Karma - Prism Micron (11/28/14)


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Alright, fellow Karmaholics. The next drawing is for a Prism Micron dual line speed demon. The prize will include the kite, sleeve, line winder, and the lines that I used with this kite. These are not the stock 50#-50' factory lines, but a longer, heavier line set that tamed down the kite and allowed me to fly it for more than a minute at a time. It may have actually tamed it down too much, but if you want more pep, a call to your friendly, local (or internet) kite shop can get you the lines you need to make it zip. I tried to find the stock lines, but a lot of stuff is in storage from a recent move, so this is as good as it gets. The drawing will be on the 28th, entry number will be by order of entry, and the RNG will select the winner. Begin entry posts with "I'm in".

post-7635-0-17876400-1415997033_thumb.jp post-7635-0-78422800-1415997036_thumb.jp

Standard Karma Note from the Moderators:

This is a Karma Drawing. The winner of the drawing is expected to pay it forward by offering their own prize for the next drawing. Please do not enter unless you are willing to offer your own prize, preferably not the prize you just won. Drawings should be open for entry approximately 2 weeks, and the next drawing should be posted as soon as possible to keep the Karma rolling.
These drawings are run by and for KiteLife members. The moderating team only ensures that your drawing post contains all of the pertinent information (drawing date/time, adequate prize description, drawing rules) before approval. If you are a KiteLife member from the US or Canada, you are eligible to enter. You do not have to be a paid subscriber.
Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize.

Here is the link to the original Rules and Guidelines thread:

The mechanism for the drawing itself is entirely at the discretion of the person offering the prize. In the past, entry number has been determined either by order of entry or by the post number in which the member declares entry into the drawing. The drawings have been performed using the RNG method (
http://www.random.org/sequences/) or by choosing the numbers out of a hat (I believe an adorable daughter did the picking in that scenario). The only requirement is that the method of selection is clearly spelled out in the drawing post.

Entry into the drawings is done by STARTING a post in the drawing thread with the entry phrase chosen by the drawing host (Traditionally "I'm in", but "I LIKE" has been used as well). In order to remove any confusion or misinterpretation, only entries with posts that START with the phrase will be considered. As with all other KiteLife drawings, bantering is encouraged. This is for fun after all.

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This is a vintage Micron. I bought it at the WIKF in either the first or second year that Prism brought out the Micron line. It may have three hours of flight time total and all of that has been at the beaches in either Washington or Oregon. My wife is not happy that I am offering this one up because she thinks it is "cute!" Don't let cute fool ya, this is a little darling that needs taming by the right flyer, and it really is a blast to fly!!!

Make sure that you read the instructions for the drawing carefully and the most important is you must start your first line of the post with...."I'm In" .....hmmm I hope everyone saw that!

Last, I want to thank Barton (bbailey49) for putting up this drawing for me. I have been really sick and it was just better for him to do it. He is a definite "Cool Dude!" :king::dual:

Good Luck Everyone!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I haven't forgotten today is drawing day, I'm just not sure what needs to be done so I've got a cry for help going out to Barton who has been so very helpful getting this set up. Stay tuned and we will get this little Prism Micron a new home today if at all possible.

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By the way, the field for the drawing at this point in time is:

PereiraM #1

Amexpmh #2

Tmadz #3

Tim P. #4

Joespickles #5

Pickensw #6

mywindstuff #7

RevRookie #8

Pretty good odds for those that have said "I'm in!" If anyone else wants to take a chance at the sweet Prism Micron, I will leave the signup going for 3 more hours which means the window closes at 5:15 PM Mountain Time, 4:15 PM Pacific, 6:15 PM Central and 7:15 PM Eastern.....For the rest of the world, you figure it out, I'm not smart enough to! *LOL*


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Ok competitors, here is the final results and the winner of that little purple Prism Micron demon.

Here are those that are eligible for the drawing again in the order they entered:

PereiraM #1

Amexpmh #2

Tmadz #3

Tim P. #4

Joespickles #5

Pickensw #6

mywindstuff #7

RevRookie #8

And Here is the results of the feared Random Sequence Generator:

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence and Winner:

5 - Mr Joespickles :clap;

Timestamp: 2014-11-29 03:17:50 UTC

Congratulations to Joe!!! Please send me a PM with your shipping address as soon as possible so I can get your kite to you as soon as possible. Also, I would suggest that you get a hold of bbailey49 to see about getting your Karma drawing set up.


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