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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Awesome Tristan! Looking forward to your ideas. You smiley is looking better and better too!
  2. Related article in Kitelife... http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue37/kgb37/
  3. Our quad line team needs a new logo, and we'd like your help! You'll find our existing logo attached, which we'd like to change... We like the "dude", but need something more. Also attached are our custom kite colors, which you should feel free to use in any designs you send in to us. The prize? If your logo is selected, you will receive both of these items: A two year subscription to Kitelife (including the monthly prize drawings). One hooded sweatshirt with the new logo (choice of size), your name can also be included on the front of the sweatshirt along with "contributor" or something similar. The attached images are in PNG format, which are very easily editable in Fireworks... Even if you don't have the program, you can download it for a 30 day free trial. However, we will accept entries in any other format... Provided they are high quality and large enough to manipulate for our needs. Please note: If we use your logo as the basis for a modified design, you will still be declared the winner of this contest... Even if none of the submissions are selected or used, the iQuad team will vote between the entries and this prize will be awarded to our #1 favorite. Thanks for your attention, and I look forward to seeing what your imaginations have to offer!
  4. Working on the problem now.
  5. We just got 100 of the velcro finger lights in... They look great. Two flash settings and one solid setting... Blue, yellow or red. To help cover the team expense, we'll have them at $2 apiece for anyone who is interested at the Seaside event.
  6. Line lag... That's why I have 50# lines. I agree with Penny, line lag sux... So I usually use the lightest line I can get away with. The Rev seems to like it when the lines are almost non-existent.
  7. Give them a call, and be nice. Rev should be willing to part with white sails, and it's more ethical to buy from them... Plus they fly better than homemades... Shop secrets and all.
  8. VIP is no longer being made... Might be ONE more with The Kite Shoppe.
  9. I'm a great lover of 120' lines myself, team or otherwise. It's nice to have all that sky.
  10. I'd bring it up with the NWSKL, for sure. Good eye Doug.
  11. Great job Tristan. Your smiley is looking better and better too!
  12. Video... Hrm... Well, as Penny said... I was out flying all the time. Footage is fairly limited, mostly of iQuad, and not real great at that. Kiters unite! Send in your footage and articles!
  13. Cheers. Much more to come!
  14. Steve Smith bought it for $90! We'll happily sign autographs... And try not to let go to our heads. CafePress is the place to get the stuff... http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife/1468529
  15. Glad to have you Anthony.
  16. Nothing at www.lytechwire.com, is that the right URL?
  17. Here's what we just ordered for iQuad's night shows... Click here. We'll let you know how they work.
  18. Anthony, the WWJF bumper sticker came from here... http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife/1620656
  19. Indeed, switch hands... The key is to look at the back of the kite (since you're downwind), and fool yourself into thinking it's the front. Doing this, with the handles switched, should have it flying normally for you.
  20. GREAT video Jaime. Nice to see all my friends having such a good time, sorry I missed it.
  21. Good call Mike, they are probably the best.
  22. What, this sail? (only a prototype from Sainz)
  23. I often use "Bright" is "Right"... Or, "White" is "Right". First letter, or rhyming. My party days may be over, but the damage is done.
  24. Share this as you see fit...
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