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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. As I understand dual line kites a little more, I also believe that the shape that is formed by the sail, lower spreaders and standoff(s) can also affect the wind range performance. A standoff closer to the spine performs better in lighter wind. Another "heavy" question. Is a kite with a single standoff per wing geared to a more specific wind range?
  2. The same, but summer... he he.
  3. Before you know it, you'll be shopping for a bag just for single line kites....
  4. Going to miss the winter storms, 50km/h+ winds are worth getting wet for!!

  5. Unless you count a set of Magic Sticks.....
  6. It would be fitting (in a Karma sense) for it to go to WA, seeing as how the Karma drawings are restricted to North America. I'm officially rooting for you, Rob! Even though the Karma drawings are for the "Lower 48" I firmly believe that karma is universal, and in Australia too. So to the winner goes the spoils.... I'll be "rooting" for you to get it, this will put us both in good standing with Karma and mess with the RNG's binary mind. Since I've dipped a toe into 2 liners, I've started a wish list and a Dog kite is on there. On a side note, rooting has a TOTALLY different meaning in Australia.
  7. I'm in.... Hang on... I would be glad to take this one home.
  8. Wow! Wow! Wow! That really is some serious firepower.
  9. I've got an awesome 6 foot Rok for fun, lifting and learning.
  10. The only place where the strings attached to the subscription are actually good!
  11. Is there an advantage in having a single standoff on each wing as opposed to having two? I know that a sail on an angle presents less sail to the wind but can increase overall physical sail area. Most of the dual kites I've seen have 2 but there are a couple of top end models with just one, Benson Superfly and the Fury by Kite Related Design. Thanks.
  12. Yes, but the leaders on modded handles pivot point is where they come out of the end cap. Thus that is where the movement is.
  13. The wear would be from the "rub and flex" on the metal with Pro No Snags. On the modded handles you are rubbing on plastic which is softer and a little more forgiving. I think.
  14. I was given some great advice about the length of my leaders. "Feel it" You'll feel it when it's right for you.
  15. If you make heaps, then you can use them as pigtails to attach train lines between kites! Then you always have heaps of spare for handles!!!
  16. Also for ergonomics. Kite angle is directly related to handle angle and therefore wrist rotation.
  17. Hey Mark, what line length do you use?
  18. When there in not a puff of air it is so good to take the Indoor outside for a play. Whenever I've taken out at my local park people just stare at it. "How are flying that thing?" is the most common question. For outside I'm going to make a set of 20 footers as 10 is a little short outdoors. Indoor staked
  19. When you were considering getting a UL, did you want to match it to the Std kite you already had? Or were you looking for a different animal? I have a Temptation by KaoS and I couldn't be happier with it. Everyday I learn something new and different about both the kite and me. Just wanting to hear your thoughts. Thanks.
  20. Something we all suspected...
  21. Pity they can't be wind powered! ...or solar.
  22. I've been through a few different types and styles but I keep going back to the ones with my iPhone. Mainly as they are always handy and sound pretty good. I'm going to try out a set of Bluetooth ones to see how it goes without the cord.
  23. Imagine a set of Barresi hand made, individually numbered, custom framed in Aerostuff Kymeras!!!!
  24. Could you change it to a UL by swapping out the frame and changing the bridle? Or is there more to it than that?
  25. Flew WA's Rev1 today in both light frame, race and heavy frame, SLE. I really liked the SLE feel much more. It felt locked in. What a great kite is all I can say.
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