Lol my fat fingers on my little phone plus spell correct is smarter than I am. It’s been a long time since I flipped a truck. Hope to keep it that way. Got to fly my Zephyr today. [emoji847] what a great kite. Hope you make it Breezin sorry we didn’t get to fly together before I left Colorado.
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Most of the time the twists are false twists. Meaning the lines twist 20 times one way and then 20 times the other. I always stake my handles then hook up the kite without untangling the lines. Seemed strange to me at first after untangling lines for way to many years. After the kite is hooked up pull the lines light against the stake and spread the lines apart. Most of the wraps will undo themselves and the few that are left at the handle ends will usually come out easily flying the kite in circles. You can check the direction of wraps on your way back to the kite to know what way to fly it to untangle them. I usually just fly it up and spin it a few times one way to see if the lines are twisting more or less. If need be spin the kite in the opposite direction. With quad lines on occasion I have to feed one handle thru the center of the other because I wasn’t careful when I put them away. One other thing that seems to help is to keep tension against the stake wind winding them up. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
I got to run it by the boss but I would love to bring Jack to this. For me flippy trucks, slack line, and stalls and slides would be awesome. Team flying activities would be fun as well. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
Another option and what I’ve been doing is buying 300 yard spools of LPG and making my own. Purchase sleeving material and tool for less than $20 and the spool of line for just over $100 and make them yourself. Then you’ll have the tool to fix sleeving on broken lines, and make a shorter set for urban flying. Sent from my IPhone
I need to try this out, 2 of my revs are pretty close to needing the bridles changed because of wear in this exact spot. Next time I change one I’ll use pieces of the old one to make some of these pieces. Sent from my IPhone
Welcome Mr. Miles. I hope you find some useful information here. Any questions just ask. And I hope TK’s extended leaders help speed up the learning process for your new quad. I’ll replace them after I get done moving to Oregon. Can’t wait to fly with you on the Oregon coast. Sent from my IPhone
That’s funny first couple times I flew my first quad I had the spars on the front side of the kite. Some stranger came along and corrected my mistake and gave me some pointers. Sure helped a lot. Good luck. Sent from my IPhone
Be careful in moving water such as rivers or the Ocean. When ocean waves change from coming inland to going back out it greatly effects the flow around the kite. Or if your lucky enough to fly off a bridge over a river use caution when dunking your kite, the moving water could grab onto your kite. Sent from my IPhone
Here you go Breezin I would come to it but have plans this weekend. Maybe someone will let you try a quad kite or at least see one in action. Sent from my IPhone
I hope we get a chance to fly together before I move to Oregon. Life is getting pretty hectic now. I have to be out of my house April 24th. Sent from my IPhone
I’ve been enjoying the steady wind on the Oregon Coast the last couple evenings after adulting. Got hired at a trucking company today. [emoji847] my wife is at an interview now and has another one in an hour and in two hours have an appointment to look at a house on 3 acres that’s mainly cleared and grass. Boy it would be something to have multiple flyers on 120’s in my back yard. Sent from my IPhone
Mines 1200 miles east of me or I’d take it apart and get pics of it. I’ll be home next week to do so if you still need help figuring out the way it came from prism. Lots of great ideas here too. Good luck Sent from my IPhone