I am submitting the AKA Sanctioning papers today to AKA!
Thanks to Bud and Linda Hayes, this event is off the ground and flying!
More info will follow as we nail down the details.
For now, it looks like we will have open gym time Friday evening the 3rd of Nov, open gym time Sat the 4th for playing, demos, and a full blown AKA Sanctioned Competition (9 flyers expressed being there so far) and a Hot tricks. Sunday, more open floor time, demos, and being tossed around is the idea of an additional Comp. Yep, two in the same weekend. Either both added...or as Bud explained it to me...use one or the other as a 'Mulligan'.
Check back for more details please.
Also...please post if you are interested and plan on attending. It will certainly help us know who's interested!