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Everything posted by Breezin
Kite is in great shape. Kite and bag only. Will throw in a mismatched pair of 8" handles if someone would want them.$125.00 shipped in U.S. Yes indeed frame is backwards in the photo.
Number of small tedlar repairs in the mylar. Tip of one nock broken but still holds tension.Comes with 2 ULE. 1 LLE that needs some more of the ferrule removed. Learned a ton on this kite. Been flown hard but a lot of life left in it. Can send more pics if interested.$120.00
I always think of my Widow Maker as a Amazon warrior. Seeing pics of the Warrior princesses sure put a big smile on my face.
Yeah and I've heard if ya get a kite from down there ya got to teach it to fly right side up.Unless of course ya get a SOS kite.
Nose diving keeps me grounded 😅.
Ain't that the truth 😣!! Happens to me all the time. Apparently when sport kiting one must have their ego shattered quite often to progress. Takes an hour or more to piece mine back together at times .But hey all in a days play right LOL.
Lam has a new sul bridle for the AC.Told him my situation. That's what he said to get. That's what's coming.Colors are his choice.Rather have something inspired by the artist/master than dictated by me.Take me another week or more to make up my mind anyways. Then I'd probably 2nd guess myself. Now the agony of waiting for the kite begins. So much more pleasant 😁. The trick lessons taught today were awesome. Couple things I've struggled at have become clear. Think I might have developed a man crush OMG!!! Going to go practice before I forget.Benson SF standard is at the top of the list for next kite. NO MORE SHOPPING until the SF is acquired. That's the plan anyways 😟.
OKAY!!! I'd read about a kite for inland bumpy winds and you just jogged my brain.Searched GWTW again but couldn't find the thread. Forgot the name of the kite LOL.LOVE my Lam kites. I'm a freaking kite idiot though. Been jacking around this morning.Between these last posts I bought a older never flown Rev 1.5 SLE full vent. Can't even fly a quad yet😖.Dang now I got to sell some kites.Hate that but happy wife happy life.
I'm not either.Physically or mentally 😆.STILL trying to figure out which sul to get LOL. Want a kite that will do all the tricks from 0 to 10 mph in bumpy winds. Would be a perfect kite but as has been said "perfect kite does not exist".There are some good deals for new R-Sky kites up north. No waiting 😊.Watching videos and reading I end up wanting the standard. Although 🤔. Will hopefully be reading some posts of Esingers sul build shortly hint, hint. Last few days have been frustrating. Winds will be up a bit then drop below 3 for as much as a 1/2 hour. 75% decided on the Cesium Continental in teal ( mylar still has me spooked). Along with a Kaiju in black with green.Bang for the buck I haven't found better than that combo so far. Could set the Tekken and those 2 up going back and forth as needed.Kaiju would also lead me to different skills. Club does some indoor flies so it would be a good investment. The fun of deciding has left. It's getting agonizing.
Sooo if I get a WW does that mean I don't have to mow my flying field anymore? The R-Sky will still fly well when it's a little Hazy?
HA that's great!! YAY Rudy enjoy!!!
Happy New Year all. Cold, cold ,cold and snow. Nice day for my Black Dog though. Dogs on the grill and the Rose Bowl for dinner YAY. Nathans hot dogs Riffclown. Canine would be tantamount to cannibalism in my family LOL.
Not a thing except PERFECT prime rib for dinner. After we ate kids German Shepherd snuck off with one of the bones. Found him under the table in 7th heaven.Think he had the best day out of all of us LOL.Great day for everyone!! Like the dog though I think it was because of the prime rib ☮️.
Excellent questions. Not a quad hound yet but getting there. I've got LPG dual sets at 50# x 120' and 90# x 125". The last month, month and a half my stock dyneema lines have been really getting on my nerves. Year ago wouldn't really have noticed the substantial difference. Now it is getting to really be a pain in light wind tricking close to the ground. Order for a 75' x 50# and a 90# 300 yard spool is being shipped today. Dave even threw in 30' of sleeving. Spool at $84.00 shipped gives me a 82' quad set, 2 100' and 1 75' dual sets. I was told and put this purchase off for way, way to long. Needed more kites ya see 😧. I fly a lot in a rough area and even if the LPG only lasts as long as the other stuff it'll still be worth it. Got another kite to buy so the 90# x 120' and 50# x 65" quad sets will have to wait. Not near as long though.$29.00 HQ 130# x 100' wore out in 7 months.Cheap lines end up being not so cheap in the long run FOR SURE!!!
Next time I see it I'll take a picture. Could very well be the kite made it's way to England and back to the US. Assumed the guy was from England but ya know what they say about assuming.
Cool, Addict Kite is fantastic !!!
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It almost comes across as denim like. Neon green or yellow 1/2 inch outlined bird wings in the center would pop. Maybe bright red or sky blue.Not like the Phoenix but a thin outline that goes edge to edge.Seagull? The Air Force insignia on the one kite was super cool.10 miles to the SSE of me is a military proving grounds. The Air Force Academy cadets fly past my place often for training. When out flying and they come past I'm reminded of that kite quite a lot. Makes me smile.Hey eyeballs always look cool too LOL.
Lest one thinks perhaps I am gifted. Alas NO!! Hours and hours at this with many,many more to come. I have quite the advantage over most. Winds here are some of the best inland flying to be had. Short week for me is 15 hours. Most are 20+. 50 yards to my kite shed, then 75 to my flying field.Got a variety of kites for 2 mph to 40 mph. It is awful close to kite heaven I think. Yesterday flew the Widow in 8 to 12 in pretty steady winds. 14 degrees but it did warm up to a balmy 18 when I quit. The new move has already helped on the Cynique. Caught the best one ever center window in about 8. Then right foot started getting cold. Blew the dang side out of my boot. Frost is about gone and temps are warming nicely.Cmon Comete, Cascade and Cynique. Hope nothing breaks 😰.
Would not the methods being shown for folding dacron apply to most kiting materials?
Krijn on GWTW started a excellent thread "folding dacron" in building and repair.
Got the rixel pretty early in. Blowing a KT and catching a rixel leads to all kinds of interesting what the heck was that stuff LOL.When going thru a couldn't catch a 1/2 axle for days phase at least the rixel was there. Practiced the one hand move on the Nighthawk a lot today. Took most the day but towards the end started catching on pretty good. Even started getting my arm across the chest like those guys were doing. Still only on the edge but think this new for me approach is going to get my cometes really going. The cynique still eludes me but I think it's going to help there too.Learning on my own and trying both ways I ended up doing it just 1 way. Didn't know what I was missing.Going to change some things for the better being able to do it both ways.
That's one of those videos that if you're feeling a little grumpy will put a smile on your face.
Yesterday winds were a bit on the rollercoaster.8 to maybe 10 then 1 to 2. Stayed on the Zephyr for a few hours. Kite can get irritating to me cause it doesn't fly like anything else I got.Then I remember fly it like it wants to fly not like I think I want to and the good times return. Didn't do any slots and only did a few cascade starts.Taz is coming along and got some nice ones mostly left side. It's usually right so go figure. For me the purpose flying wasn't so bad for once. Get a little irked and do something else for a bit. Like the dreaded side slide. A year in and no matter the kite 1/2 the time not sure how I pull one off. Such a seemingly easy trick and it feels so cool on the lines. Lifetime to master? Yeah I think so. The virtual contest this year has a prize for longest steady side slide. Master fliers will be entering so that's kind of a tell on that trick.Practiced the KT all over the window. In low wind the 1 hand pop worked okay. 8 center window not so much. A lot harder to stall the kite and get the slack for me. Thinking about what the other 2 guys were showing me. Think I'm just developing a pretty different style. When 1st warming up I was catching the wing tips pretty often. 1 or 2 wraps don't bother me so much anymore. If up high turn the 1 wrap into a insane and have fun. On the ground I can do some work and often get a 2 wrap undone. Few flips, tip stands and such. Guy commented about how I was catching the tips and tried to help. Not one to turn away from advice even if I don't use it. Might come in handy later. Both fliers push forward on upper wing as kite flattens pop the kite into rotation move forward then power the kite up moving backwards. As they hard pop the kite into rotation the hand they're using comes across the chest with lots of slack in the other. Great for a cascade but seems awkward to me for a Taz, Slot,Rixel or to flip the kite. Both fly with hands holding the loop(Dodd Gross). Said they thought if I flew that way I'd have more control. Uh absolutely no. Started that way so I could let go and maybe save a broken part. At 15 mph gets real hard on my hands. Someone said don't worry about hand position. Person will gravitate towards what works for them and no one is wrong.Pretty soon I was flying with a wrist wrap and gripping the handle. Now I fly wrist wrapped with forefinger extended(Chris Goff). Can control most moves with my wrists or finger using my arms for slack more often then control.Sometimes in high winds (20+)I find myself with 2 fingers extended without thought.If one thinks the loop gives more control fly a Micron in 15 mph. I can't.The higher the wind goes the faster I need to react and that takes as little movement as I can get away with.Above 10 mph the loop grip doesn't work for me so I never use it anymore.My favorite straps are becoming Peter Lynn branded made in Jamaica with a metal ring.Got 2 pair black and yellow cause Riff was building the Hive. Add in the colorizer thing and black and yellow was kinda stuck in my brain.Flew in 40 mph with them and a pair of jersey gloves with no discomfort.Got a pair of the thick padded Lynn straps but they are a little awkward. I find my fore finger at times inside the ring. Again without much thought. Before they showed me they're way I could never KT in low winds. Needed 4 at least. Was pretty amazed at how effortless they made the trick look in 1mph. Will keep practicing at the edge on the 1 hand to see where I go with it. Elsewhere in the window I gotta do the 2 hand.