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Everything posted by Breezin

  1. WOW!!! SUPER STOKED!! THANKS TO ALL YOU KITE LIFE PEOPLE!!! Kite will NEVER leave me or my family. This kite is going to be HUGE fun!!
  2. Korvo kites builds it. Also some wicked speed kites 😳. Korvo has permission to build Wolsing kites. Biggest duels I've ever seen (videos) for you folks looking for big kites.I don't know if you could call some of those big though. MASSIVE might be the better word. Thanks Esinger the Korvo site is a good read.
  3. THAT is WAY cool.Is the idea to then put a full panel of mesh on each side or to cut out and sew mesh for each vent? If no mesh how would the points attach for strength? Either way the concept is fantastic. Don't recall seeing a picture of Watty's Y kites before. NEAT!! I think one of the neatest looking vents for a duel is on the Challenger Max from OSK. That squared concept on a duel hot knifed in the layout of the Challenger Max would be a "oh my look at that" look.. Be awful small and take a pinstripers touch.
  4. Yeah BUTTTTT. If you want to trick then you are going to need to know how to repair a kite anyhow.Bunch of people here will lead you thru repairs. A lot can build kites so you won't be steered wrong or ignored. Shop in the right place the Prism Hypnotist is $107.00 shipped RTF brand new.$26.00 more than the quantum. Never flown one but reviews say it's more tricky, just about as tough and will fly in lower winds as skills increase.When researching my 1st kite durability became somewhat irrelevant . Most by far quality standard kites are durable. If tricking is your goal get the best you can justify at the time. I did (Widow ng)and don't regret it at all. Well except I didn't keep it upgrading to the Widow Maker Pro.
  5. There's a flier called PAW. Search here(Oct.2012) and you'll find a picture of a kite made out of sticks like that. You'll come up with a bunch of stuff that will distract you but finding the kite is worth the look. That's a great start. From there reading PAW stuff and his videos will keep you entertained for at least 72 straight hours. That looks like something I'd throw at a charging Rhino. Then I'd run screaming like a banshee so that 🦏 horn didn't give me a Floblem. Errr problem 🤓.
  6. Another day for Mudder. Went to fly earlier. Wow it was cold. Not as tough as I thought. It's warmed up nicely now .
  7. Okay I didn't know it had a meaning. Thought it was made up. UHH Frob no joke, I got a wizard tattooed on my chest 😂.
  8. Before kiting I've hunted turtles for soup. It's also called turtling. Turtling a kite is much, much more pleasant and enjoyable. The big snapping turtles are down right dangerous. Not kidding at all!! The only kite I got that I can turtle consistently center window in 15+ winds is my Mind Trick vented. I fly across, get to center, snap stall ,throw both hands forward while stepping forward.Happens fast and hesitation in my next moves results most times in failure. It helps that that kite loves to turtle. Even so it's hard to hold the turtle in high winds.When winds are 20+ in center window the few moves I can pull off on that kite all start with that move. When successful it's the biggest rush I get flying a kite. Failure is a heart in the throat gasp followed by OH NO don't be broken.Under 12 I can now watch and getting a pretty good grasp on what is happening. Allows me to correct mistakes mid trick at times. Above 15 most stuff is split second timing. The fade in higher winds? Well dude you better be good. Failure points the kite straight down. Few weeks ago was on and feeling cocky. Winds were hitting 20+. Came across 3/4 high in the window. Hit center and banged out 2 flic flacs. The 3rd one I lost and drove the Mind Trick into the ground HARD. Upper and lower spreaders went flying in all directions.Kites hardest hit by far. I was sickened thinking of the damage while going to the kite.NOTHING BROKE!!! Shocked (still shocked)I flew for a bit longer. Confidence was a little rocked to say the least. Winds went higher and I quit for the day. Didn't want to test my luck or courage again LOL. Once you get the turtle the fun increases 10 fold.When first starting winds over 12 would be intimidating. I'd have to buck up and go for it. When winds go over 20 I still need to spend some time focusing and gathering myself before I fly. Sometimes I can't and don't fly.I think in higher wind flying that process won't change for me. No matter how many years I get to do this stuff.In any winds let the nose start tilting forward. Pop launch the kite and go right to the turtle move. It'll start giving you the feel. Leads to some great low and ground based tricks that aren't to hard on your nerves or kite. Great practice when there's not enough wind to keep it in the air. Flapjack that kite!! It's a blast.
  9. OOPs again. Dang I should look around a bit more before I post. Anyhow do check out Robs videos. His flying is the schnizzle.
  10. Then you will love kiting.They break and parts are lost. Sometimes when I break something I have to let it sit a day or 2. Other times I'll repair right away.Repairs while frustrated are not fun.The WORST thing is waiting for parts. The get extra advice is no joke. Learned early on to enjoy the process of fly it, break it, fix it and fly it, repeat. It was either that or quit LOL. The knowledge that people share here is astounding. They will guide you thru every aspect of kiting. Even building your own. There is a fella(RobB) in your area that if you get to fly with him will make me pretty jealous. His videos are great and his kite collection is one to admire.
  11. So glad the 100 degree weather has passed for awhile. Yesterday nice winds 8 to 12 mph. 20 degrees F with light snow falling accumulating to about 3". Gorgeous day! The BD is made of ripstop polyester. Handles the wet best out of my kites. I call it Mudder. I've stained a couple of my white kites in the wet so Mudder is the only one I fly. First time with a BD I let it go to upgrade. Missed it so I got Mudder. 3/4 kite so it's fairly fast. Kite is really responsive and wrist/finger movements are usually all that's required. Kite is really tricky but asks for smooth inputs unlike the Hydra, Nighthawk or Addiction that can be popped over and over. Out of my kites it is most similar to the Mongoose. When flying as kites get quicker with wind speed I've gravitated to holding my arms cocked, close to my side and hands close together. Issue that I've had with the kite is wing tip wraps. Because of hand position I'm late or forget to throw my arm wide. Cascade, Wap do wap, and the like end up in a tip wrap more often than not. At times even coming out of a roll up. Not very good yet so most of that is pilot error.Still. Watching tips get wrapped yesterday time and again I got pretty frustrated. The leading edge tunnel stops pretty short of the tensioning line and then the end cap. The way the knots are and the bulky end cap catch the lines in 4 different ways. I've thought about taking off the endcaps and electrical taping the tensioning lines. That still leaves the abrupt straight ending of the tunnel a serious snag point. It's worked well on my Zephyr and Hydra but they have longer tunnels . While flying I made a plan and the frustration went away.Going to lengthen the tunnel ending in a v shape a 1/4 inch above the wingtip. Put 2 holes at the end so a line can pull the dacron closer to the spar. Hopefully this will make wing tip wraps less common. Course more practice will do that too. Sure do dig having Mudder. Quite the kite.
  12. I vote for spreading it around. Issue for me is I'm going to have to get another kite so I can join in. That just BREAKS MY HEART but I'll mend 😬.
  13. Breezin


    White Bird Lover talked with the SDHS a little bit ago. Bubba is failing fast and would not survive the trip to Colorado. We gave it a heckuva a try though. Peace.
  14. Breezin


    Bubba lived with Mike Dennis and Pam Kirk(TOTL,Heads Up Kites). Not to long ago he lost Pam.There is a picture of him with Pam while she is working on a kite at GWTW(we've lost a great one). Yesterday Bubba lost Mike too. He has been taken to the San Diego Humane Society. White Bird Lover called them earlier and he's still with us. WBL and I are both going to call tomorrow and try to figure out how to get him to my house. I live on disability so I have to hustle a bit to get extra cash. Asking for some help in getting him here.Maybe some of you know how to do this and maybe some could help with the transportation costs. I got $50.00 to start and will provide a good home for Bubba. I would love to take care of their cat. Mission SAVE THE FREAKING CAT from a kiteless home or worse.
  15. Man 33 minutes and your Revs were GONE. Would have tried to get your vented but ya snooze ya lose. Welcome.
  16. HA HA HA yes indeed. Tastes real similar to a New York City rat. Both will do in a pinch with enough salt and pepper. Prairie dogs are a little greasy though.
  17. Whoooopps bit of a hijack here. My bad. High wind quads really make me get the itch. Getting pretty excited about seeing XT/HV and peoples opinions on them.
  18. WOWSERS that looks like so much fun it should be illegal. WAIT that's Oregon so it probably is 😆. Set of Rev2 handles should be here by Saturday. My kite is UL so I'm assuming it's a 3 wrap. With short handles and 150# x 80' LPC lines I'm hoping i'm good from 3 or 4 to 12 mph to learn on. Might be able to get a good deal on a 1.5 full vent made somewhere between 1998 and 2001. I think what I got is good enough to start but maybe I need another stepping stone before a XT or HV?
  19. That is cool Riff.
  20. Got the perfect telescope for you Exult.You can attach it to a kite .Send me 1,652 Euros as soon as you can. Expected delivery date of June 6 or 7 maybe 10th, 2056. Sorry no pics. Top secret project.
  21. Once in awhile one of these massive beasts will fly in close and watch me flail around for a bit.Golden Eagles fear nothing except each other. Doesn't happen often but it's mind blowing how close they'll get.Makes me grin for days.Would be stunning to have a kite in the air with a California Condor. Maybe even with you when you reach your goals LOL🤣.
  22. That fellow fliers is the terrible, terrible pull towards that dark, dark place where so many of you dwell 😰.Yesterday winds real gusty and going over 20 mph. Hour of flying and I was gassed. I've slipped a bit. Both feet in. Set of handles will be here in a few days one way or the other.
  23. Yeah you're right. Being a little smart alecky I was 😊.The short line stuff is so different. Got a 32' x 50# I've never used. Took me quite awhile before I appreciated my 50' line set. Destroyed my 1st set.One of the issues in getting a 0 wind kite is being able to fly on longer lines at the top of the kites wind range.Why the Air One kites are on the top of my list.I think. I seem to prefer 100' and am getting in a rut with them. Got 80#, 130# and 150#. Use the 80# a lot on my standards and low wind kites. The 130# in higher winds for the standards and vented. Echo outside recommended length is 32'. It's why I don't have one. Making line length one of the deciding factors is starting to seem a little foolish. Much above 3 I'll be on something else anyways. Then I think about the gusts here and line length comes right back into play. When above 3 or 4 mph they can be pretty predictable in how they warn me of their approach. Lower and they can come from any direction seemingly from nowhere. Some pretty strong and sometimes spinning. Need to be more patient and educated on this choice more than any other kite I've gotten. Have to repeat that to myself a lot. In the meantime glider? Little different skill set but man videos of glider flying are fantastic.Nope patience, patience, patience GRRR!!!
  24. Man if I had a building like that the dogs and I would spend more time there than the house by far!!! Once you have to stop try cocking your elbow with your hand up in the air. Put your middle finger and thumb together. Do this with the hand that perceived spin is going. Look the opposite way.Move your arm and head as needed. Doc told me to do this when learning to keep my balance again.Gets me back on track quicker. Rough day yesterday (injections AGAIN 😠).Had gone 2 months without shots. This kite thing is REALLY working . When walking from the car to the house had to do that again. Wife started giggling which got us both laughing. Ya look funny as all get out when doing it. Works for me though and her mirth is all in good fun.Threads got me reflecting a bit over the last year.When 1st starting I couldn't fly for an hour most days.I'd get dizzy, disoriented, nauseated,at times go to my knees and sometimes fall from the pain. I'm sure I look pretty strange in the pasture walking around in circles at times with my arm up in the air,ranting,raving totally annoyed while the Alpacas watch with amusement LOL.Now 3 or 4 hours is common and oft times more.When struggling at the start, doubting if I could do this I'd think of Wayne often.NOBODY thought I'd ever get this well. EVERYBODY said kiting would do more harm than good. I'll get even more fit as I keep flying. When down in the dumps I go to town. Look around a bit. Doesn't take long at all to see someone struggling more than I. Makes me remember how fortunate I am and gets my head straight.Since flying I don't need to do that near as much.Love this stuff!! Even when I'm dizzy 🤣 Kite Life is good 😊.
  25. Most of my kites are used. Some more than others. One had never been never flown.One supposedly once and I believe it. Was watching a Lamia glider. Never had a glider and they look fun. Figured if I got that I'd have the patience to save for a Air One or Lam Hoac 0 wind kite. Yesterday price dropped to what I was hoping. Few minutes later went back and it was gone. I've seen kites sell in as little as 5 minutes. For me it's been worth the effort. It's fun and has inspired me to research kites I'd never heard of.Problem is it changes my kite plans A LOT .
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