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Everything posted by Breezin

  1. Bribes are not necessary. I threaten it with all kinds of nasty violent stuff.When that doesn't work I talk behind it's back in a very negative way.Thankfully I don't think it knows where I live.
  2. Folks I flew with yesterday got hit by that wind rolling off the mountains too. They were about 100 miles north in around 5 mph. Wind hit them at 40 mph. One of their kites broke in half when the fella went to recover it.Still feeling awful LUCKY!!
  3. No flying yesterday or today cause Sundays fun still hurts. Graph shows at 11:09 wind was 18 at the Yoder weather station. At 11:19 a 42 mph gust hit taking me for the ride. 20 minutes later highest winds were 48 mph. From then on some people were reporting 60 mph hits for about 3 hours.I don't think we got any gust that hard but it was blowing for sure.Wife told me not to fly. Should have listened.Winds 15 to 20 now and I sure want to go bombing around. Keep walking outside and nope don't get stupid cause tomorrow's going to be a great day on the lines.Not SUPPOSED to go over 22 mph. If I get hit like that again I'm going to register a formal complaint . Just don't know who to complain too LOL.
  4. Going to have to ask Lam again about the side by side flying with Jon T. Think I got it wrong.
  5. That is a excellent way to put it. Last year at WSIKF Lam said Jon T on a Pro Dancer and him on a AC were flying in next to nothing side by side. 2 completely different kites and would have been a sight to see.Can't really run much at all. Fairly slow pace when backing up on the AC. Between the 75' and 120' lines a little lower flying on the 75'. It's so small a difference I'll most likely use the 120' set the most. Going to get some 30# next trip to town but not sure it'll be that dramatic. Not a natural by any stretch, I just get to fly A LOT. Kinda envy those that fly precision and ballet. Watching videos of that stuff is really cool.Esingers video on a beach flying a glider at sunrise is one of the best. I can go maybe a minute see a set up and can't help myself.Gotta trick.Think the VII will help me focus more on what the kite is doing rather than what can I make it do.Lam said the bigger one would take more effort indoors. Since I won't be flying indoors much leaning towards the bigger one. Had no intention of getting a VII until I flew the AC. Light bulb went off and that kite will force me to become a smoother flier. For me the rush of high wind flying is where the pure fun and excitement is. Inputs need to be FAST and correct.That makes me tense up so I can pounce on the next move or yank and spank out of a mistake. Flying like that doesn't translate very well from 12 mph down. Below 5 not much at all.Low wind flying is the most rewarding and the beauty of the kites moves are on full display.Really, really hard to fake it in 5 mph though 😡.
  6. Went out on the Mind Trick vented with the heavy spreader on 100'x 90# lines. Measured 15 to 20 and was pumped.Winds picked up and was thinking I'd better get the 150#. Pop there goes the 90#. Made it 102' cause well things happen so not a big deal. Back up on the 150# and starting to get in the groove as I do love high wind flying. Once again not paying much attention to the rise in wind. Getting good at pulling off some tricks at the side and as I come back into the power zone exit at an upward angle and head for the top. Then I try moving them closer and closer to the center.Coming out a wind shear, straight line or whatever you want to call it hit.Dirt blowing and me in a hellfire panic. Not even fully in the power zone and I got pulled a good 20 yards trying to maintain control getting to the side.Line didn't break but man I gotta get a 200# set soon. Took what seemed like a good 2 minutes to get the kite belly down nose into the wind.Took every skill I had and was really scared for the kite. Without some high wind flying on the Delta Hawk don't know if I could of done it without crashing the kite.Maybe tumbling it to pieces.NOT FUN AT ALL!!!Had to wait for the wind to drop a bit before taking the kite down and finished in the shed.Wind hit at the right angle to lift the edge of my loafing shed and chicken coops roofing.Roofs have been on for 12 years and have been thru some winds.This is their 1st damage. This time some minor repairs are needed. House and barn are set a little different so I haven't seen any damage. After winds dropped some I got the lines rolled up and measured 40 to 45 mph. Winds have dropped but I've had enough excitement for the day.Sitting here I'm extremely pleased I got the kite thru that unscathed.Opened the kite back up in the shed. Don't know how there couldn't be some stretch to the sail but I couldn't see anything noticeable YET.Is a Lam kite worth $500.00? After that experience my Mind Trick vented is without a doubt!! Don't EVER want to go thru something like that again.
  7. Nope very different frame than the AC standard. Bridle tweaks are mods from the original AC SUL bridle. Wing tips have internal weights so I got a spare along with the kite. From 3 down PD would float away on me cause I'm not very agile. It's not a trick kite but I could turtle, fade, axle, 1/2 axle and rotate but not very well or often.3 down and away the kite would go stuck in the turtle or fade and me not fast enough to catch up. Friday spent 5 hours on the AC(trick monster). Did to much and didn't get much going yesterday.Winds were bumpy and swirly giving me the excuse to whine and snivel even more.Been checking the wind real often while learning it. Caught a Slot in 1 1/2 to 2 first day on it. SHOCKED.Had to tell Lam all about it LOL. Friday in 2 to 3 would do a few 1/2 axles getting my timing and then Taz or Slot pretty well for me . On one I gave a little pull at the end instead of exiting.Rotated around again with a close to perfect exit.Never attempted that before. Don't know what you'd call that trick but it made me whoop and holler.That's probably why I overdid it . From that moment on got REALLY excited and didn't want to stop flying.Hydra front flips the easiest for me. AC is a pretty close 2nd. Read where a lot of SUL kites don't roll up that well. Not a issue on the AC or Tekken.3 and lower roll ups can get a little floaty on the AC but a small step or 2 brings the tension right back to the kite.Tekken just flips even when popping off the ground in 0.There's hardly any yaw when losing power like the Zephyr, Tekken and PD. I don't think any of those kites have excessive yaw at all but the stability of the AC makes it stand out a bit. With the little time I spent on a Ocius and Aura I feel the AC is a lot more stable than them .The Ocius with 00 framing and heavier inputs could make one think it's to fast and twitchy. Heavier inputs like I flew the Zephyr with could make the AC feel twitchy too. Just not as dramatic as a lighter framed kite.If for sale would have bought either of those Skyburners on the spot. Both top out around 5/6 mph so it's for the best. Probably bought 3 00 tubes by now anyways LOL. PD gets the edge on precision but not by much. Don't know much yet but I do know you can't call a Premier Addiction a precision kite at all.At 3 mph both the Tekken and AC are easy to fly. No footwork or pumping needed to keep either in the air. Below 3 my skills need some improving to really compare. The AC seems to hold the air a little better.Can fly both at the bottom of their range w/o a lot of work.When winds are bumpy at the bottom I lose the Tekken a little quicker and have a harder time recatching a puff on the way down.Heavier, a bit shallower sail and lack of skills. Mind Tricks vented so in SUL winds one needs to run about 5 mph. Takes a very talented person to run backwards at that speed for a 1/2 hour tricking a kite . AC pull is light enough to fly 50# lines in 10mph with no problem. Lot of twists on a 50# dyneema set and the Tekken broke it in 8 or so. Had it in 6/7 mph gusts yesterday on 50# LPG with no issues but in higher gusts I'll be on 90# or heading for the side dumping wind in a hurry. Tekken is still a light pulling kite. In 10mph about 1/2 the pull of a Widow ng maybe a little less. One fella I get to fly with has the SKD 7 SUL. Watched it fly and that is one impressive kite. Was 3rd on my list because of all the mylar and tops out in 6 mph. Gonna be fun watching him compare the 7 and AC. Probably not skilled enough to be trusted with his 7 but he definitely has the skills to fly mine. Another has a AC SUL but I think it's before the bridle mods. That's going to be just as interesting. AC has 3 adjustments for the nose. Only flown on the bottom knot due to the 0 winds. Think they're more for different tricking than the "need to pass wind" . Hey FOCUS, kites are not flatulent. Still need a 0 wind kite.99% sure it's going to be a VII Gravity Performance. If anyone knows of another indoor kite that flies on 10' lines and outside up to 60' in 10 mph please let me know.The only other kite in the running is the Level One Amazing.Problem is VII comes in 2 sizes and then there's that what color thing to stress over.That kite will take some different skills to roll up and probably not a precision kite outside. Could be wrong but I don't see how the VII could handle the gusts like my other 3 Lams. I may seem a little paranoid about the gusty winds here but it is a real issue.Gust hit the Pro Dancer and put a whisker thru the sail one day. Took a long time to get confidence back in the kite. Never really did.When I say bumpy watch JBs Kaiju video in the parking lot. Kaiju gets hit pretty hard and that is some serious skills keeping the kite intact.From what I've gathered SUL winds are 0/1 to 6 mph. From 3 down opinions get very subjective. I can bomb around in 20 and pull off a lot of tricks now. Most of that is setting up and hoping the wind helps instead of blowing everything apart. 3 down really is the hardest to learn cause it's 90% skill and the wind is only keeping the kite up.Not helping much in pushing the kite thru rotations and spins.Blathered on a bit here about stuff above my paygrade. Go to GWTW and look up what makes a $500.00 kite. Also search Fearless Light vented. Lam posts as Fearless Object.Before I could axle I wanted a Widow Maker Pro, any Blue Moon kite and a Sky Sport Design.Are they more fun than a Addiction?I don't think so. Are they worth the money? For most probably not. For me I cannot afford to NOT have kites like Skyburner, Blue Moon or Sky Sport Design. Few days ago I got to laughing at myself a bit. It was about a year ago I was walking to the shed putting away my kites. For the 1st time I really got what people meant when they describe being connected to the kite. I had become a kite flier. Year later I still do the walk of contemplation just about as much. Main difference is I can soft crash and rarely take a hard hit. Although a week ago broke Mudders spreader.I LOVE the tricking. Better at doing some precision moves building routines but sometimes I'm still only in the air for 30 seconds. Never laughed at myself so much in my life as learning this stuff.When I get to the festivals this year I want folks to say hey he's pretty good and not be to bored. 3 years from now I want folks to say WOW he's REAL good and be entertained.One needs the proper equipment to excel at anything. You can have a ton of fun in a Nissan 370Z(Nighthawk) but to excel get the 911 Porsche(Widow Maker Pro).Goal is the same as when I started. I want to fly like those guys.Wow after all that I may have not answered a thing .
  8. Hey hey flying duals when it's cold helps keep the body temp up 😁. Welcome, this site is almost as addicting as the kites.
  9. Thanks now I'm not so confused. Could not understand why folks would want to fly a furry kite.Think I get it now .
  10. Isn't a Trlby a prolific furry little creature from a Star Trek episode ? Don't know why anyone would want one of those things. Maybe I'm mistaken.Sigh so many kites and so little room left in my head for remembering. Since I'm special it should come to me extra heavy vented.
  11. Sold
  12. Kite is everything I had hoped on 120' x 50#. At the bottom of it's range IF it it gets a little floaty 1 or 2 easy steps and I'm right back under it.Winds were 0 to 10 most of the day. Stay at the high end for 2 or 3 minutes then drop.Mostly between 2 and 6 and smooth. Kite has a light smooth pull and the 50# worked a lot better than I expected. AC like the Tekken and Mind Trick dumps the wind in a split second which helps.Like the Tekken the kite instilled confidence quick.Think winds were about 3 or 4 when I set up for a slap and tickle. Tricks still hard for me and most times I fail. To late spinning out of the tipstand but man was I stoked trying that so early in learning the kite.So much for taking it easy.Had to switch to my trusty Nighthawk and go bonzi for a bit. Fly it a lot and today right wingtip tensioner gave up.Really should do less shark stuff but dang they're so much fun. Right on the edge of disaster every single time. Mind Tricks got one getting close to done too. When trying the comete, cascade and cynique I've always started vertical. Lam said that's to advanced at this stage and I should be learning from a 45 degree angle.Sucks cause I'm now having to change body mechanics and relearn inputs. Plus is I can see this kite really, really well. Being able to slow trick in 2 mph on long lines having enough room to recover or soft crash is going to speed up my learning big time. I guess some might say that I'm now one of those Lam kool aid drinkers. Nope don't like kool aid at all. Besides this kite is a strawberry daiquiri made with Bacardi 151. CAREFUL unlike kool aid this kite will kick your butt 🍹!!
  13. Bravo Jack!!! The showmanship was excellent. Dug the catch and the flair you displayed at the end. Well done sir!!
  14. Addict Kite magazines best multi purpose 2 line kite of the year 2018 KAIJU . HOORAY JB!!!
  15. SUL winds today. Tomorrow forecast to 27 mph. It's a lot harder for me to adjust from light to high then the other way around. Busy in the am but hopefully I'll buck up and fly in the afternoon. Last 4 times winds have run this high I only flew once. If I can't get really focused things go badly in a hurry in 25.
  16. OOPS AC spine is a Dynamic D15. Got to fly it for the 1st time today.About one and a half hours in 0 to 3.Another hour in 0 to 8 max.It can fly in 1 on 75' x 50# but for now I need another 1/2 to really keep it going.Struggled staying under the Pro Dancer this kite replaces under 3. Not a problem at all with the AC. Lam said to get 30# x 80' Super Pro 8 for the low end.Know enough now to understand 5' can make a big difference.Went up on 100' x 90# last hour and as usual preferred the 100'. Next time out I'll do 120' and 125'. A good flier could trick the dickens out of this kite in 1 to 2.As long as I don't hit the ground I think the kite could easily handle a 11 to 12 gust while heading to the side. Got to be up at 4 am. Keep thinking about the days flying instead of sleeping.Stupid kite!!!
  17. This will be one of the coolest kite things I've seen. Maybe a green flash when kite starts either from ground or hover.
  18. Hi ducky welcome. I have 2 upper leading edges and 1 lower that has the ferrule partly honed out. The ferrules on the Zephyr are hollow and that's where I broke the kite. First time I ruined the LLE trying to get it out. The second one I chickened out before ruining it. One nock has a tip broke. I do a lot of tip drag stuff so end caps don't last for me. Use electrical tape instead. Stock bag and it is rather fancy.
  19. Price drop to $100.00. $80.00 w/o parts.
  20. Price drop to $100.00.
  21. Main issue I had with other builders is a 6 mph top end. This is a 1 to 10 kite. 2pt frame with a 3pt spine. Tekken is a 3pt with P200 spine. About 1/2 the tail weight of the Tekken.Outhaul adjustment on the Tekken has it flying with a little tricking in 2 but starting at 3 for me. Floats down when losing power instead of falling now. Lot less work. Snow and a little mud so new kite won't be in the air till it dries out. The AC will be for days when the gusts stay pretty low.Ground recoveries are going to have to be more thought out cause of the light frame. Some tricks need to get better before jumping right to them with this kite. Plan on never exceeding 10 but ya never know what's coming on any given day. Tekken has handled 13 to 14 bumps with no issues other than my mouth going a little dry. The Mind Trick and Tekken handle gusts better then my other kites by quite a margin.Expecting the AC to be no different.Between the 3 Lam kites wind ranges and the way they fly I don't feel the immediate need for a Lam standard.The standards I have are pretty exceptional in their own right YMMV.Going to go fly Mudder now. Damn happy I got a Sky Dog Black Dog for days like this. Little booger is a blast.
  22. I'll be right behind ya Corey. You seem to be bombing right along so that's not a bad place for me to be at all LOL.
  23. Sunday looks to be a good day for flying in Denver. Get to meet up with some folks and learn some things. Did NOT want to put my quads thru the grinder of learning on my own.2 more days and I think I might actually have a quad in the air . Getting excited!!!
  24. When 1st trying to launch a quad one of the guys was really trying to drill that into my head. Understand what he was showing me better now. Winds were real low and it was difficult to grasp. Coming from a dual perspective but think it relates. Talked to Lam Hoac a few times recently and he was telling me pretty much what Wayne has posted.My neutral position has been a fighter like position. Lam said that creates to much tension in the body and leads to bad muscle memory.Has its place at times(push turn e.g.) but makes moves more mechanical and less rhythmic if constantly returning there.Keep hands and feet always moving so flow is not interrupted.I get that cause watching a JB video is almost like watching a tutorial in Tai Chi LOL. Smooth and rhythmic. He also said to not try and break the bad habits all at once. Tweak as you go and the body will remember quicker.Been somewhat hard changing over the last week but now level 5 skill set is just around the axle. OOOPS I meant corner 😆.
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